Monday, July 2, 2012

Campbellford, ON

Campbellford, ON
Campbellford City Docks
June 30-July 2, 2012

We had been advised that we should not travel during the Canada Day weekend so we holed up at Campbellford.  We traveled on Saturday through 6 locks and docked on the West wall in Campbellford because we thought most of the activity was on that side of the river.  We were docked right next to the park where all of the Canada Day festivities were going to be.  We decided to move across the river to the East wall which tuned out better for us because they had 50 amp power and water.  We explored both sides of town and had some pretty good meals.  This is a nice little town with all of the services you could want.  Yesterday was Canada day and everybody in town gathered in the park for a pancake breakfast, petting zoo and other activities for kids.

On Monday morning we all walked to a local suspension bridge which was about 1/2 mile away.  The walk was very pleasant along the canal.  We ended up back at the last lock we had come through and then it was a short walk to the bridge.  The bridge is metal and only for pedestrians.  I really don't like bridges and especially when you can see down through the bottom of the bridge but I made is across OK.  On the other side of the bridge we walked quite a way along the water on a trail in the woods.  I think there are bears in the area but we didn't see any.  We walked back to town and our boats which took some time.  We took naps and then Ginny made a roast pork and potatoes for dinner with Beth and Dean.  We all enjoyed dinner and had butter tarts for desert that we bought at the local grocery.

 Leaving Lock 6 on our way to Campbellford
 There are some nice houses on the bluffs
 This is still a pretty rural area
 Beating the heat
 At the bottom of the lock before it fills with water
 The suspension bridge we are going to visit
 This is the tallest lock we are going through - Actually it is two locks together.  When the doors open you go right into another lock

 Activities on Canada Day
 Campbellford is the home to the designer of the Toonie which is the two dollar coin
 Beth and her new friend
 One guy had over 30 RC ariplanes
 Our dock across the river
 The factory was closed or I would have bought them all
Johnny Cash?
 Saw a turtle on our walk today
 They have everything in Campbellford
 In case we were lost
 The water was low below the dam
 I know it doesn't look scary but it moves and it's high
I would rather be where this guy is


  1. Happy 4th! We have been enjoying your blog and pics, especially in Rice Lake area. It was our vacation spot for years. We enjoyed butter tarts also Craig! Try the peameal bacon..We'll watch for you at the locks in Peterborough! Your trip has been amazing! Barbara

  2. Great reading your blog Craig, fond memories for us. Please give Ginny as well as Dean and Beth our very best and maybe we will meet again one fine day. We arrived home last Wed, 4Jul, Happy Hours was sold and has recently arrived at her new home in Newfoundland - and I thought I was being very proactive crossing the Gulf in one leg!! The guys had a safe and speedy run through some amazingly remote areas. Hope you have a safe and enjoyable run home through some of the most beautiful areas in the world.
    Mike and Gail Preston
