Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Easy Day on the Water

Today was a very easy day on the water. We only traveled about 20 miles from Presque Isle to Rogers City. The weather was supposed to get bad so we wanted to get in early. We were docked by 10:00. The dock masters at the last two stops have complimented Ginny on her docking ability which is great and of course I am proud of her - but what about my navigational skills? Rogers City is a little bigger that most of the previous cities so there is much more to do close to the marina. If you have followed the blog you know I broke the kitchen faucet so today I set out to get it replaced. The marina had a courtesy car that took me to an ACE hardware twice to get the parts. Ginny did laundry while I worked on the faucet. The Internet signal is not very good and the satellite TV is getting a very low signal which makes it hard to watch my soaps but I will survive. A 47' Sabre docked next to us and we met Oliver and Bill. Oliver and his wife are from Port Washington, Wisconsin and they did the loop in 2008 so we got some good advise from him. Oliver and Bill were taking the boat to New Jersey to sell. We are more than likely going to be here tomorrow due to the weather. I added a gadget to the blog today that I have been working on for the last several days. I hope you notice the google earth picture to the right which is the GPS tracks since day one. Everyday before I leave I start a new track and when we dock I stop the track. The chart plotter software lets me convert the track to a Google Earth KML file. I then have to upload the KML file to a web site and then run a script to translate that into embedded HTML code that I can copy to the blog. Let me know what you think because it does take time and you know how busy I am. We have been gone 8 days, traveled 330 miles, put 35 hours on the engines and have averaged 9.5 miles per hour.

Sunrise leaving Presque Isle

Old Lighthouse

New Lighthouse

Broken faucet

New Faucet with two trips to the store

Harbor sign

Courtesy Car

Nothing better than a Crown Vic

Limestone Quarry next to the marina


  1. That sux you can't get better TV signal. You missed a really good episode of Judge Pirro on Monday, hillarious. It's been fun following your trip, at times I feel like a stalker. A friendly stalker though, not the crazy kind that is hiding in the bushes waiting...watching...planning. :)

    Safe travels

  2. Yea! I love everything that you guys are writing and Craig, the map rocks! It helps us see how fast and furious you are going!!!LOL
    Keep posting - at this rate it will be 2013 before you get to NC - just kidding! Meg

  3. You had a lot better water leaving Presque Isle than we did! That's where we were in the 6-8 footers a couple weeks ago. Glad you got into the light houses. Do you believe the old one is haunted???

    We missed Rogers City, but loved Cheboyan and Mackinac Island/Mackinaw City, of course.

    Smooth sailing on Lake Huron! -Greg

  4. The map is cool. Can you get the weather on the map too? j/k :) I'll have to send the link to Lisa because she has recently started blogging and it would be cool for her to see what you can do with it. - Jason

  5. Craig/Jinny,

    Thank you for the blogs. I am living my life through you vicariously. I look fwd each day to reading your new experiences. My wife and I hope to travel the loop one day. May God bless you on your journey.

  6. I am falling in line with the thanks and well wishes on your trip(s). I have been reading everyone morning on my ipad. Sorry to say the google maps plug in is not accessable on the ipad. To be honest I can't even comment in this box. I had to come on the desktop to post.

    Be safe and I'll be reading

    Capt Paul
    Future Looper and Meridian 441 owner
