Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wind Wind and more Wind

As was expected, today was a weather day.  The winds were strong all day and the waves were really rolling.  It was a good day to do some bilge work and laundry.  I changed the generator impeller and checked all of the fluid levels.  We cleaned the strainers for the engines and the air conditioning.  There were little fish in the AC filter.  Ginny got all of the laundry done and then we went into town for some shopping and to pick up some food.  Ginny was looking for some post cards in a Hallmark store and the lady said they didn't have any and we probably wouldn't find any in town.  Well we found some in store less than a block away.  We went to a local butcher shop and picked up some meat for the grill.  The temperature didn't get over 70 all day so we were able to keep the boat open for fresh air.  We saw a sailboat go out of the marina only to turn around and come back.  We got some computer work done but the Internet connection is spotty and the satellite TV signal is weak so only a few stations work.  Fortunately for me the food channel was one that was working.  Mostly I sat around all day with a blanket and the computer doing routes for the next few days.  We had Chinese for dinner.  We were the only customers but the food was pretty good.   We hope to get to Cheboygan tomorrow but we will see.  I want to say hi to everyone in Winchester Indiana that are following the blog.

Little fish that were in the strainer

The Waves were pretty high

Sailboat going out to only come back

Much calmer in the harbor

Local sign

Mural in the local post office that was done in the 40's

Sculpture in the park next to the marina

Pretty big prop and me with a jacket on

In my element

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good day to lay around and do nothing. I hope this catches you before you get to Cheboyan. If so, I was going to recommend the little downtown marina, which is up the river a half mile or so, just past the little draw bridge (opens on the 1/4 & 3/4 hour, or whenever, if not too busy). It's in the heart of downtown, which has some good restaurants and coffee shops. Very low-key little place. Just tie up to the wall (your starboard side) and someone will stop by to collect from you in the evening or morning. We really enjoyed everything about it. Have a great time!!! -Greg & Jan
